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Application of Feeding Acidifier in Poultry ProductionHite [5354] Publish time :2017-08-10

Feeding acidification agent has been widely used in developed countries in the world, in recent years, China's scientific research and production units have done a lot of feeding test, the results show that the use of feed acidizing agents can improve livestock and poultry, especially young livestock production performance. In addition, the acidifier can also be used as feed stabilizer and preservative, to extend the shelf life of feed. Acidification agent has been able to improve the performance of livestock and poultry production, its mechanism of action mainly in the following areas: to improve the palatability of feed, increase livestock intake; reduce gastric pH, activate digestive enzymes, improve the nutrients Digestion and absorption; reduce the number of harmful bacteria in the digestive tract, promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, maintain intestinal micro-ecological balance, prevent and reduce the occurrence of young livestock and poultry diarrhea, improve feed utilization.

Acidifier can be divided into organic, inorganic and composite acidifier three types, each with its own characteristics. The most widely used and effective in poultry production is fumaric acid and citric acid in organic acidifiers, followed by lactic acid, formic acid, propionic acid and acetic acid.

Numerous trials and production practices have proven that the addition of organic acids to poultry diets can result in good growth promoting effects. According to the Ningbo Institute of Food Research reported that in the broiler diet to add 0.3% fumaric acid, chicken weight gain can be increased by 5.3%, feed consumption decreased by 14.55%, the survival rate increased by 7.56%. The former Soviet Union added 0.15% in broiler feed and 0.25% fumaric acid in meat feed. The weight gain increased by 1.58% ~ 5.35%, the feed consumption decreased by 3.2% ~ 6.2% and the survival rate increased by 6.6% ~ 12.2%. Ning Kangjian (1995) added 0.5% citric acid to broiler feed, increased weight gain by 6.1%, survival rate increased by 8.6%, Newcastle disease antibody titer more than doubled. Lv Jinfang (1994) added 0.15% to 0.55% citric acid in the laying hens diet, and the egg production rate and feed efficiency were significantly improved. It has also been reported that adding 0.1% citric acid to chicks feed can promote the growth and development of chicks and add 0.4% citric acid to broiler feed to increase the weight gain of broilers. Fumaric acid is also widely used in large-scale poultry stress protectors, can prevent transport, grouping, grouping, immunization and high temperature stress, add 0.1% in the feed can also prevent chicks pecking. Citric acid is also commonly used as poultry heat stress feed additives, in the high temperature season broiler feed added 0.25% citric acid, can increase the feed intake of broilers, increasing daily gain of 8.42%. In the high temperature season, the addition of 0.15% citric acid to the feed of the hens can keep the egg production rate down and reduce the heat stress. A variety of organic acids also have a broad spectrum of antibacterial effect, 0.2% to 0.4% of fumaric acid can kill staphylococcus, streptococcus and E. coli. Fumaric acid also has antioxidant effect, can make the premix in the vitamin A, C stability were increased by 10.24% and 12.2%. At present, foreign and Taiwan Province of China is often used as feed preservation and anti-mildew agent.

   Feeding acidifier is only used correctly to play its best effect, young livestock and poultry digestive system development is not perfect, digestive enzymes and stomach acid secretion, so in the young livestock and poultry feed to add the effect will be better. From the composition of diets, corn, soybean meal and other cereals based on low acid dietary diets, add acidifier effect is better; and add more whey powder, skim milk powder, fish meal and other acid-containing compounds More diets, the effect of adding acidifier is not obvious or no effect; dietary protein is too high, will degrade the effect of acidifier. In the addition of antibiotics or at the same time with a high dose of copper sulfate diet, acidifier is still added effect. In the low level of management, poor environmental conditions, diarrhea, high incidence of acidifying agent to increase the effect and reduce the role of diarrhea will be more obvious. Acidifier use, the amount must be appropriate, such as excessive addition, it affects the palatability of feed, reduce livestock and poultry feed intake, and there will be metabolic acidosis, so that the performance decline and increase costs. Determine the appropriate amount of acidifier, to the type of diet, livestock and poultry age and diet pH and acid binding and other factors. Dietary composition is different, acid binding is also different, minerals and high protein feed acid binding strength, compared with the grain, digestion need more acidifier.